May 18, 2020

I just started your beginning series (love it)....I am brand new and about 40 pounds overweight, so some of the movements are a little challenging. Any specific tips?

Jim Knowlton, Level 4
Jim Knowlton
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Responses (2)
Lisa Stephan, Level 41
Lisa Stephan0 points
May 24, 2020

HI Jim, I'm in your same boat. I have modified poses that I'm unable to do - by not going as far into the pose. I've been doing this for about 3 weeks and I have found that I am able to do a little more over time so hopefully will get there. Good luck and have fun!!

Margaret K, Level 81
Margaret K200 points
May 19, 2020

I would recommend that you modify to suit your body so you don't overstretch yourself. With practice and over time the moves will not be as challenging. Please let us know if you would like recommendations for other Grokker programs. Keep up the workouts!

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