November 13, 2016

I would like to download some videos to see in my tablet android when I do not have internet. Is it possible? and how? thank you very much

Ruth Natalia Sanchez Espeja, Level 18
Ruth Natalia Sanchez Espeja
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Responses (2)
Lorna Borenstein, Level 84
Lorna Borenstein78 points
March 11, 2018

Downloads are now available for all Android devices Ruth Natalia Sanchez Espeja, you can download 5 videos at a time per device and take Grokker with you wherever you go. Enjoy!

Britteny Salvador, Level 46
Britteny Salvador113 points
November 14, 2016

Hi Ruth,

I'd be happy to help you with this! We recently launched that functionality on our iOS app, but we do not have this available for Android at the moment. I've taken your feedback and passed it along to the Product Team for future consideration.


Thanked by Ruth Natalia

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