March 30, 2017

Is there any way to download and save a few videos to use when i don't have cell service or Internet?

Julia Brogli, Level 16
Julia Brogli
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Responses (2)
Loren Enochson, Level 9
Loren Enochson44 points
March 31, 2017

Hi Julia,
Yes there is! You can download our videos via our iOS app and watch them anytime and anywhere!

Hope this helps!

If you need any further assistance please email us at .


Thanked by Julia
Lorna Borenstein, Level 85
Lorna Borenstein78 points
March 11, 2018

You can also download videos on your favorite Android device so you can have Grokker with you on-the-go. I always have 5 videos saved on my smartphone and a different 5 saved on my iPad so when I travel I have 10 videos I can choose between. I even created a few Travel Yoga, Travel Fitness (no equipment for my hotel room), and Travel Sleep collections. Enjoy!

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