July 18, 2017

The pop up notification to my iPhone does not work anymore, why? I don't want to have an email, i get too many emails

Satu A, Level 89
Satu A
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Satu A, Level 89
Satu A2 points
July 18, 2017

The reminder to my iPhone does not work anymore, why? I don't want to have an email, i actually have a follow up question as the first question was answered that i ll get email notifications and i actually dislike them and do not want them.. before, i could actually get a reminder to my phone as a pop up, 10 mins b4, and not in mail ,as i dont read my mail so often it would be helpfl there plus i get too many emails.. :) so is there any way to get that service back) (i mean notification to your phone?) :(

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