Newest Grokker Davidji

The Fearless Heart Series is a journey to become a Fearless Heart. A Fearless Heart is one that does not allow fear for fearful thoughts to direct ones' choices or life. It is someone who recognizes the power of love, the power of choice and the remembrance that we are all love at our deepest core.

It is a practice of choosing love. It is a practice of inviting the heart more regularly into our everyday life experiences. It is knowing that love is the power that heals everything. And because at our essence we are love, the power to heal and transform lives inside of us.

This series is an invitation to step out of the limiting and fear based realm of the mind and into the boundless, creative and love based realm of the Heart. It is designed to reinforce the relationship you have to yourself through the teachings of strength, self worth, personal power and heart-opening.

This 8-part series is intended to be practiced from start to finish, yet each class can be taken independently on it's own. The series is for anyone of any level of practice. It does not follow any specific religion. It simply is a coming home to our ourselves, the emancipation of Heart and the Power of Love.