Vinyasa Flow for Beginners

Vinyasa flow is named after the smooth way the poses run together and become like routine or dance. Breath is also an important component of vinyasa flow as you move from one pose to the next each on an inhale or an exhale. If you are a first time yogi, vinyasa flow is great if you want to keep things uncomplicated. Vinyasa Flow is often used as a warm up or cool down, tying together individual poses to create a full yoga workout routine - helping you get loose, limber, and relaxed.

What Can You Expect in a Beginner Vinyasa Flow Class?

Sun Salutations

Sun salutations are a sequence of movements done on an inhalation or exhalation. They are typically formed of 12 “stations” composed of eight different postures, the last four being the same as the first four but performed in reverse order. Then the sequence is repeated, switching left to right side. As you move through the sequence be sure to focus closely on your breath. Breathing through your nose works to filter and warm oxygen, which helps slow down your breathing creating a meditative like quality.

Cat-Cow Stretch

Cat-cow stretch is a simple introduction to the concept of vinyasa flow, stretching and moving from cat and cow pose inhaling and exhaling. Just like the approach to sun salutations, cat-cow stretch links the mind and breath to every movement while warming up and strengthening the spine. cat-cow stretch is usually practiced continually for 1-3 minutes and is a great way to stretch, starting at your tailbone to the crown of your head.

Corpse Pose

The final pose of vinyasa flow is corpse pose. Corpse pose is total body release that goes beyond relaxation allowing you to completely let go. Though corpse pose may look easy, it can be tough to master. Many yoga teachers regard corpse as the most important pose to your practice. Corpse pose allows your body the chance to take in all the information and benefits received from your practice. Don’t mistake corpse pose for naptime, when done right you remain present and aware the entire duration of the pose.

Vinyasa flow is both a great place for beginners to start their yoga practice as well as practice that allows you to continue challenging yourself. If you like focusing on the power of breathing and flowing movements through poses, give vinyasa flow a try!

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