April 3, 2014

What are some recommendations for making the best Alfredo sauce?

Sarah Pugliaresi, Level 13
Sarah Pugliaresi
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Responses (2)
Lorna Borenstein, Level 87
Lorna Borenstein78 points
April 10, 2014

Sarah, I make Alfredo Sauce often and it is super easy. Take a stick of butter and melt in a saucepan, stir in 1 pint heavy cream or half and half and 1-2 cups grated parmesan cheese, when heated through add an egg yolk and stir that in completely, allow to thicken. I season with salt, pepper and a dash of grated nutmeg to taste. Adjust cheese and cream to your taste. Toss your cooked pasta in the sauce pan and serve with more parmesan on top. Full proof, ready in 10 mins and delicious.

tlc tlc, Level 81
tlc tlc74 points

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