Office Wide Weight Loss Challenge Suggestions
Kelly Lee, Level 9
May 31, 2017

Congrats Todd Daugherty! Way to be an inspiring leader. I love it. My main suggestions are make it easy (to implement, track, etc.), community based, goal-orientated and have a prize. I have run a few of these over the years with my clients and they are so much fun! Best of luck.

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Ellysia Noble, Level 12
March 30, 2017

Great idea Todd! Using Grokker for fitness is fab because it tracks wellness points every time you do a session so that's a movement incentive. As for food, you could try tallying up nutrients consumed rather than say calories. So a portion of veggies earns you more units than say a chocolate bar or something. You could do a weekly challenge like plank hold challenge, squat hold challenge, push up challenge then re-test at the end and people that have been working out regularly will notice imprivements for sure. Just some dieas. Good luck with it. Sounds fab!!!

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Todd Daugherty, Level 1
March 8, 2017

I am starting an office-wide "biggest loser" style weight loss competition at work. I was wondering if anyone had any tips or suggestions on rules/processes/guidelines etc to make it go as smooth as possible. Any help is appreciated! Thanks!

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