May 14, 2019

I would like to know if I can do HIIT Afterburn program (from Sarah Kusch) while being a few weeks pregnant?

Vall Erija, Level 36
Vall Erija
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Debbie Coldiron, Level 96
Debbie Coldiron132 points
May 14, 2019

Hi Vall Erija. Congratulations of your pregnancy! The HIIT afterburn program is a high impact program. I would highly recommend consulting with your physician before you undertake this program. Based on your particular pregnancy, he/she should be able to guide you on what types of exercises you can or should be doing at this time.

We do have a low impact prenatal program that you may want to look into. Again, though, you may want to consult with your doctor first.

Here is the program:

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