January 11, 2022

I'm particpating in the 21 day relax program-Andrew Johnson. Does it matter what time of day? I'm leaning towards early evening as the best time to decompress. Thoughts?

Denise Goebel, Level 50
Denise Goebel
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Responses (2)
Sweet Demise, Level 73
Sweet Demise30 points
January 26, 2022

Hi Denise Goebel - Andrew Johnson's RELAX is an amazing program. I have tried it and absolutely loved it. And no, it doesnt matter what time of the day you do it. Everyone has unique schedules, and we all choose to decompress at different times. So if early evening works best for you, do it then. For example, I sometimes do it in the morning after a strong vinyasa class. I feel like it really helps me cool down and relax after a long physical practice. So do it whenever you need it most in the day :-)

Thanked by Denise
Margaret K, Level 81
Margaret K200 points
January 11, 2022

It doesn't matter what time of day you do it. Grokker allows you to do the videos at a time that is convenient to you so if early evening works then go for it. Enjoy the program!

Thanked by Denise

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