Traveling for the Holidays? Take a moment to ground & get centered

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Managing Emotions: The Dark Side of Diagnosis

In this video, explore softening the inner resistance that arises as fear and anxiety in diagnosis. Through guided breathing exercises to enrich the respiratory system, deeply restorative postures to enhance the circulatory system, and twists to wring out the lymphatic system. This combination of therapeutic body work will down regulate the nervous system and deeply calm both mind and body. End with a profoundly restful meditation in this Grokker Premium video. You will need big pillows, a journal, maybe a chair, and a quiet space.

Cancer Stress Patterns: Yoga for Better Sleep during Cancer Care

The second video of the Yoga & Cancer Care series are designed to help you restore sleep patterns and deepen your connection with your inner wisdom. With the aid of supported inversions to increase circulation and hip opening postures you will release you into a state of open, peaceful surrender. Through mindful relaxation and simple observation of your battle with cancer you will re-pattern your stress cycles for deep relaxation in this Grokker Premium video. You will need a journal, big pillows, and a glass of water.

Yoga Postures and Meditation for Depression During Cancer Care

With an undercurrent of deep sadness during cancer care, it can be easy to let this emotion loom over you. Discover radical self acceptance. This class is meant to empower you while releasing emotional pain and depression. The practice of meditation, deep breathing, and mindful attention in this video will allow you to let go of the negative thoughts that cause grief. Grab your journal, big pillows, a glass of water, and let’s begin.

Managing Physical Pain: Finding Ease

In this video we practice meditation and pranayama as a way to listen to the body & manage physical pain pre and post surgeries. Often when we suffer from severe physical pain it's easy to ignore our needs and shut down to healing. Instead, when we turn our attention to really listen to the body and feel our pain, we can learn to intuitively give our body what it needs. When you’re ready, you will need a couch and a wall space.

Life in Balance: Returning to an Active Practice

In this video, explore ways to strengthen and expand range of motion while nurturing your lymphatic system. You will need your yoga mat, a chair, and a meditation pillow. We will explore foundational postures for you to practice daily at your own pace, using modifications that are safe and effective.

Women's Health: Yoga for Breast Cancer

Created for women who have a family history of breast cancer, this Grokker Premium video is beneficial for those in remission from treatment, or in need of flushing the nodular, fibrocystic, or stromal tissues of the breast. Join Grokker Yoga Expert, Sierra Campbell, as she guides you through rehabilitative postures sequenced to support breast health. All Levels.

Tigerlily is committed to educating young women around the world about breast cancer, and empowering them to be their own best advocates.