8 months ago

Chris Mohr I love all of your videos, however, we need some new ones, please! I am Type 2 Diabetic and would really love to see more for me, from cooking, to fitness. Thanks!

Judith Dawson , Level 43
Judith Dawson
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Responses (4)
tlc tlc , Level 85
tlc tlc78 points
8 months ago

Here is a collection with the full range of Grokker's nutrition videos to enjoy. :) https://grokker.com/cooking/collection/healthy-nutrition/603ad327b356ab7d31b48ff0

Thumbnail image for Yoga to Control Diabetes
Yoga to Control Diabetes
44 I Did This
Thumbnail image for Sugar Reset Overview
Sue Mah , Level 12
tlc tlc , Level 85
tlc tlc78 points
8 months ago

Hi - I just discovered that Chris Mohr just began teaching one of Grokker's "Guides". If your membership is through a corporate employee wellness program, I think this "Guide" will be available to you. If you are an individual member like me, you'll be barred from joining the "Guide", but Chris Mohr's weekly podcasts will be posted for us to watch a couple of hours after they stream. Above is the replay of this past Monday's first podcast, which kicked off Mohr's new "Guide". https://grokker.com/guide/focus-on-nutrition/66a13a1e5bcf12723844d50d

tlc tlc , Level 85
tlc tlc78 points
8 months ago

Good luck - I am not aware that Chris Mohr or any other Grokker expert has answered any questions in this "Q&A Cafe" in the past three or four years. To get a direct response from Chris Mohr, your best bet would be to watch one of his videos - and at the end, when Grokker prompts you to rate the video with stars and a comment, to type up your question in that comment box. If you just merely a comment under any of his videos WITHOUT having watched it, my observation is that heflat-out won't respond (I think because he doesn't see those comments). Best wishes! :)

Judith Dawson , Level 43
Judith Dawson0 points
8 months ago

Thanks but you did not answer my statement as it was directed to Chris Mohr in asking for new videos. I completed all the ones of his posted last time. But thanks

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