September 8, 2020

How do I keep focus on long term health improvement. I gain weight very fast, but loose very late.

Mithun Biswas, Level 16
Mithun Biswas
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Responses (2)
Sue Kerr, Level 60
Sue Kerr8 points
September 11, 2020

Thanks Mithun for reaching out to the Grokker community. I think one thing you need to settle on is from this point forward it is no longer a diet but a life style change. Exercise is only part of the answer, food is another part of the answer and thirdly, your mind set. Sue Mah has some wonderful videos that are easy to follow. Try the Sugar Reset, Carb Reset and Mindful eating. Team this with some of Chris Mohr videos. Most importantly is that you do this just for you. We are all here to encourage you every step of the way.

Thanked by Mithun
Margaret K, Level 81
Margaret K200 points
September 10, 2020

Please find three mindfulness programs that you can follow that can help you focus on being happier and healthier:

We also have many exercise programs that you can schedule at a time that is convenient for you over a week or 2/3 weeks and you can be on a schedule and that will help you stay focused and become more active and healhty and improve long term health. If you have specific workouts that you would like recommendations for, please let me know. Thanks.

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