May 27, 2020

I don't have weights at home. Do you have any recommendations for total body workouts without weights?

Tracy Connell, Level 32
Tracy Connell
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Responses (2)
Aurangzaib Alam, Level 1
Aurangzaib Alam0 points
June 2, 2020

Want to do trainings, but no weights. No problem! Use your body weight. Fix a muscle/s day, or a strategy i.e. PUSH-PULL-LEG. For chest, pus-up & tricep variations will help. Use bench / chair, broom stick, water buckets & water gallons and wall / door pull ups for lats & back. Jump squats, lunges and cal raises for lower body.

Margaret K, Level 81
Margaret K200 points
May 28, 2020

Please find workouts in this program that are bodyweight only - and
We have many videos that do not require equipment. You can go to the Fitness heading at the top of the home page, Click Fitness, then Fitness Videos, Scroll down and click More Options, then scroll on the left hand side under Equipment and click None Required and it will bring up all videos that do not require equipment. Hope you can find more videos that you will enjoy.

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