April 12, 2021

Wrist and thumb pain - difficult to do push ups. Is there anything I can do to help with push ups or replace them with a different exercise? I have started taking Dr. Fong's classes.

Rebecca T, Level 66
Rebecca T
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Responses (2)
Margaret K, Level 81
Margaret K200 points
April 16, 2021

You could consider dumbell chest press and that hits all the muscles of a push up and is easier on the wrists. I have included two videos here that include chest presses with Ellysia Noble that you can check out.

Thanked by Rebecca
Laura Flynn, Level 23
Laura Flynn0 points
April 18, 2021

Try doing the push ups on your knees, this will take some pressure off. If not, then a dumbell chest press using light weights so you dont aggrevate your wrists further. If neither work, maybe replace the movement altogehter with an elbow plank.

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