March 23, 2017

I was wondering if there were good videos that specifically dealt with/addressed anxiety? thank you

Sarah Pugliaresi, Level 13
Sarah Pugliaresi
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Responses (2)
Loren Enochson, Level 9
Loren Enochson44 points
March 23, 2017

Hey Sarah,
That is a great question! I too suffer from anxiety and I feel like yoga and meditation are something that really helps me to relax.

Here are a few that helped me:

This one is perfect to do at work if you are stressed or feeling anxious.

This series by Amy Rogg looks like it would be perfect for anxiety. I actually plan on doing this one myself.

There is also a series by Andrew Johnson called Relax that sounds like it would be perfect for people with anxiety.

Hope this helps!


Satu A, Level 89
Satu A2 points
April 9, 2017

I can deffinately recommend the once below, espacially the one of Amy Rogg: Anxiety reducind meditaion :) ps. she has a whole series for reducing anxiety and to help you relax:
Also Matece Skow has great meditatio for the intention and also the yin + meditation, i has really helped me and my close friend to relax.
I wish you can find some more peace with these :)

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