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Budgeting 101

Manisha Thakor , Level 2
Manisha Thakor
Creating a monthly budget can feel daunting to the best of us; but it's a necessary tool for reducing your financial stress. The good news is that it doesn't have to be complicated to be effective. In this video, Manisha will introduce you to simple tools like the 50/30/20 balanced spending rule that will allow you to figure out where your money is being spent, and determine where tweaks are necessary moving forward.


If you'd like to take your learning a step further, grab a notepad or the printable plan that is available on the program page to complete the exercise Manisha recommends. You can get the plan, here: 7 Steps To Financial Wellness

This video provides general information for educational purposes. It does not take into account your personal circumstances and should not be relied on as advice. We recommend consulting with a financial adviser to discuss your personal situation.

Budgeting 101
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