A year ago

Any thoughts on full fat vs low fat vs fat free greek yogurt? I've been using full fat yogurt but wonder if I should switch.

Paul Nock , Level 39
Paul Nock
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Responses (1)
tlc tlc , Level 85
tlc tlc78 points
A year ago

Hi - I am just a fellow Grokker user, not a specialist. My advice would be to watch any video by Grokker's three professional nutritionists (Chris Mohr, Sue Mah and Tara Valenti). At the end of the video, when you see a prompt asking you to rate the video with stars and to leave a comment, type up this question in the comments bar right under the stars. Sue Mah and both Mohrs (Chris and Kara) respond to comments fairly regularly, and they would provide a professional, erudite reply to your excellent question. (I have no idea what the correct answer is myself). Best wishes! P.S. Here is a collection with all of Grokker's nutritional videos: https://grokker.com/cooking/collection/healthy-nutrition/603ad327b356ab7d31b48ff0.

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Indian Mango Flavored Yogurt Drink
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Fresh Berry Frozen Yogurt Pops
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