September 6, 2018

How do I reduce inflammation?

Sara Petersen, Level 2
Sara Petersen
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Responses (2)
Sabine Walter, Level 139
Sabine Walter1 point
September 14, 2018

If you have inflammation due to arthritis, google "night shade" veggies and avoid those as well as all the junkfood and stuff loaded with sugar. I still have arthritis--it's not going away, but movement and correct nutrition will eliviate some of the pain. I do Jon Stratford's Dynamic Warmup every morning, but with adjustments. Jumping is out for me -- I "slide" :) -- as long as I move, my joints get lubricated and I feel better. On some days, that's the only video I do, maybe a foam roller one or any of Robyn Capobianco's videos. The Yoga Tuneup balls have been a god sent, too. Sherry Zak Morris is a good choice too. It all depends on where your imflammation is located at and what the cause is. Check with a naturopath-- they're better at finding causes! Good luck.

Debbie Coldiron, Level 96
Debbie Coldiron132 points
September 6, 2018

Hi Sara Petersen . If you are looking to reduce inflammation on a particular body part, you will want to follow RICE: rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Something like Motrin is also an anti-inflammatory medication. If you are looking to reduce overall inflammation, try some of these anti-inflammatory foods: tomatoes, green leafy vegetables, nuts, fatty fish (ie, Salmon), and fruits such as berries and strawberries. You will also want to avoid fried foods, soda, red meats, refined carbs (such as white bread and pastries), and fats such as lard, margarine, and shortening.

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