August 30, 2018

My hips are cracking or popping a lot. For example, when my legs are in the Butterfly pose and I'm lying on on my back, my hips crack very loudly as I open them.

S Gretchen Johnston, Level 40
S Gretchen Johnston
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Responses (1)
Debbie Coldiron, Level 96
Debbie Coldiron132 points
August 30, 2018

Hi S Gretchen Johnston. There are a variety of reasons why your hips may crack or pop. If pain accompanies the cracking/popping, it could be an indication of an injury. If this is the case, please seek medical advice. If there is no pain, cracking or popping of the hips can be due to bones rubbing together, or that the bones of a joint are fixated. Some ways to alleviate this popping can to be strengthen your hips and increase their range of motion. I've attached some videos that may help.

If the popping gets worse, and/or you are feeling pain in your hips, please speak to your doctor before continuing with any more exercise programs.

Thanked by S Gretchen

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