July 4, 2019

for someone who is 300 pounds and has a hard time even with modified movies, what should i do?

Krystina DiCristofano, Level 2
Krystina DiCristofano
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Responses (1)
Sami Oliva, Level 50
Sami Oliva15 points
July 9, 2019

I have attached a couple of videos to programs that are not as strenuous as the other programs Grokker offers. Ellen Barrett has a really great power walking program called "Walk It Out" that is a great place to start. The program is 2 weeks long and it helps you just get into an easy scheduled workout that you can do at your own pace. Angelo Dela Cruz has a program called "5 to Thrive" that is a short program that helps you get moving each day. The excercises are really low impact and just helps you get into the groove of moving every day. Sarah Kusch has a really great program called "Weight Management Jumpstart" that is a little tougher than the other two programs but has a more holistic approach.

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