A month ago

Hi I am looking specifcally for videos that use gliders, and leg bands and arm resistance bands can you suggest some please?

Donna DiGravio , Level 51
Donna DiGravio
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Responses (2)
tlc tlc , Level 85
tlc tlc78 points
A month ago

Correction to my prior message. Grokker does offer a few pilates workouts with bands, including this one: https://grokker.com/fitness/video/full-30-minute-class-body-conditioning-pilates/506dc4be0fbe5900520001f3 - You may find an abundant list of Grokker pilates videos in this collection: https://grokker.com/fitness/collection/pilates-traditional-and-modern-fusion/605edf53c1a5914c330396b3 - Best wishes! :)

Thanked by Donna
tlc tlc , Level 85
tlc tlc78 points
A month ago

I believe the only Grokker instructor who uses gliders is Kelly Lee Republicano. I geniunely can't recall any Grokker videos that use bands, BUT you may find very many such videos for free on YouTube. Best wishes! :)

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