December 3, 2022

Will 30 minutes walking 4x week help weightloss?

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Responses (2)
Philip Berg, Level 13
Philip Berg9 points
February 28, 2023

Any exercise including walking will help. However, caloric intake is the main attributor when losing/gaining weight. Macro nutrient types within your diet will play a big factor in the body type you're creating during the process.

tlc tlc, Level 79
tlc tlc74 points
December 3, 2022

Hi - I think that current science appears to show that healthy diets have a bit more impact on weight loss than does exercise... but that people who have lost much weight and kept it off for a long time cite walking as their #1 form of exercise to keep the weight off.

Here are two articles that might help. The first addresses walking specifically, and the second simply lists the CDC's exercise guidelines for all Americans. You'll see that the CDC recommends strength training at least twice per week. You might wish to add speed bursts or hills to your walks to achieve the "HIIT" effect that appears to help weight loss.

Here are three Grokker collections that might help. They contain walking workouts, general cardio workouts, strength workouts, and a little yoga. They also provide important nutritional guidelines. Best wishes!

P.S. Over time, you might find yourself walking often just for happiness, instead of for weight loss. Walking is a tremendous mood booster! :)

Thumbnail image for Fat Burning Walk
Ellen Barrett, Level 1
Thumbnail image for Flat Abs Walk
Ellen Barrett, Level 1

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