May 22, 2019

Are there any workouts that would better suit me. I'm postpartum after a c section?

Mary Mzumara, Level 11
Mary Mzumara
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Responses (1)
Debbie Coldiron, Level 96
Debbie Coldiron132 points
May 22, 2019

Hi Mary Mzumara. Congratulations on your baby! What an exciting time!

Not knowing how long ago your surgery was and not knowing what restrictions your doctor has put on you, I won't be able to recommend any workouts. I would recommend discussing with your doctor what activities he/she advises. We do have a lot of low impact exercises or walking routines, but your doctor can recommend what you should be doing at this time, or if anything like that is appropriate.

However, we do offer a lot of other content that may be helpful for you, especially during this time.

We have a lot of videos on stretching, and I've attached some that I think may be beneficial for you.

We also have a lot of videos on sleep (which I know is hard to come by during this time). You may find some of these helpful:

Sleep Smarter -
7 Steps to Sleep Better -

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