April 30, 2018

Can anyone recommend any videos that don't stress wrists....i.e more standing poses, less chatarungas/down dogs? Thanks!

Jeanne K, Level 117
Jeanne K
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Responses (3)
Debbie Coldiron, Level 96
Debbie Coldiron132 points
April 30, 2018

Hi Jeanne K. I've added some videos that I think will be what you are looking for. Although there may be some moves with your wrists, that is not the emphasis of these routines. If you like Sherry's style in the 2nd video, I would recommend Sherry Zak Morris' gentle yoga program, https://grokker.com/yoga/seniors/program/yoga-for-50-with-sherry-zak-morris/56df3bd9c5bf9b585631c7dd. There are barely any plank style moves in those. She takes it nice and slow too.

Thanked by Jeanne
Lisa Heggestad, Level 20
Lisa Heggestad0 points
June 14, 2018

I go on my knuckles to plank. It helps. Easier on the wrists.

Thanked by Jeanne
Debbie Coldiron, Level 96
Debbie Coldiron132 points
April 30, 2018

You're welcome, Jeanne K! I hope you enjoy them.

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