August 8, 2020

I have a 5th metatarsal fracture in my left foot - any videos to work around this?

Hinnah Campwala, Level 65
Hinnah Campwala
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Responses (2)
Janice McReynolds, Level 168
Janice McReynolds0 points
August 23, 2020

Any chair exercise should be ok.

Thanked by Hinnah
Margaret K, Level 81
Margaret K200 points
August 10, 2020

Please find some chair yoga workouts that you can enjoy and I have also included this Workday Recharge program that you may be also interested in. If there is any video that you requires you to be on your feet you can skip but there are lots of great options here and some mindfulness videos as well - Hope you feel better soon. Enjoy the videos!

Thanked by Hinnah

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