March 17, 2018

I have bad hips and can't do lunges, squats or running. Any ideas for lower body workouts?

Trudy Miller, Level 18
Trudy Miller
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Responses (2)
Kirsi Sjöman, Level 95
Kirsi Sjöman2 points
April 13, 2018

Hi Trudy Miller! Have you checked out pilates series on Grokker? For example, Amy Jordan and Tammy Mitell. The moves look quite subtle, but correctly done give a great effect. Also in Sam Skelton's core series there are workouts that hit lower body very effectively.

Debbie Coldiron, Level 96
Debbie Coldiron132 points
March 19, 2018

Hi Trudy Miller. I'd be happy to direct you to some workouts. I've attached some that may help with stretching your hips and lower body. Are you able to do walking exercises? If so I've attached one from Ellen Barrett that you may like. You may also want to check out this video on Hip Mobility:

I have issues with one hip. I have to avoid things such as side planks as that really puts too much pressure on my outer hip, and I pay for it for days.

If you are looking for more options, please let me know. And please let me know if you'd like some options with more cardio. Or if you want any yoga video suggestions, I would be happy to direct you to some.

Thanked by Trudy

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