July 31, 2018

I have lower back pain and damaged knees - any recommendations for vids that take into account damaged knees (and replaced knees)?

Margie Deeb, Level 8
Margie Deeb
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Responses (2)
Debbie Coldiron, Level 96
Debbie Coldiron132 points
July 31, 2018

Hi Margie Deeb. My pleasure :-) . I've attached one more back one that you may find helpful. However, it sounds like you're good at finding these on your own :-). Enjoy!

Debbie Coldiron, Level 96
Debbie Coldiron132 points
July 31, 2018

Hi Margie Deeb. I've attached a few videos that you may find helpful that won't be too hard on your knees. In addition, I've attached one that may help ease your lower back pain. If you like any of these, there are definitely more in each category. I'm happy to point you to more or you can use the search function to find them. Good luck!

Thanked by Margie

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