May 11, 2019

I really like the Pace and Go x5 intensity workouts. Is there anything else similar to this on the site? Thanks

Ann Allen, Level 18
Ann Allen
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Responses (1)
Debbie Coldiron, Level 96
Debbie Coldiron132 points
May 13, 2019

Hi Ann Allen. Have you tried Pace & Go's "Train and Transform Program"? You may like that one:

You may also like some of the programs by Sarah Kusch. Here's her HIIT program:
Or you may like her "Mind, Body, Fit" program:

I've attached a couple of individual videos that others who've dont the x5 program like.

And you'll be happy to know that we are producing a new series by Pace & Go. We're in the early stages of production with it, so I don't know the details, but keep an eye out for it coming later this summer.

Thanked by Ann

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