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Total Body Boot Camp

Sandra Augustin , Level 4
Sandra Augustin
This total body boot camp class requires no equipment and will whip you into shape in just 20 minutes. Sandra Augustin will guide you through four rounds of exercises that get progressively more challenging to tone you from head to toe. Feel free to modify where needed by regressing to the earlier rounds. Sandra is one of the contestants in the next GrokStar competition, so if you love her class be sure to let her know by loving the video, share your "I did this" and commenting below.


No equipment is needed for this class. Exercise mat is optional.

Workout details - 4 rounds of the following exercises. Each round gets progressively more challenging.

Mountain climbers
Plunges / Reverse Lunges (Plunge = Power+Lunge)
Butterfly sit-ups

Total Body Boot Camp
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Tiffany L.
I am already loving your site. I did the Kick Your Abs workout the other night and it nearly killed me--in an awesome way!
Tiffany L.
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