Make sure to warm up and cool down fully before and after this workout.
Perform each exercise for 30 seconds with 10 seconds of rest:
1. Downward-Facing Dog to Upward-Facing Dog
2. Alternating Reverse lunge with knee drive
3. Burpee variation to low squat with arms extended
4. Lying Star Fish to V-Up with a clap under the legs
5. Y pose with thumbs up - Alternate upper body and lower body lift
6. Squat thrust into bent arms - Press up
7. Narrow squat to wide squat to alternating split lunges (x2)
8. Rocking leg lift to jump through push up
9. V-ups with wide leg variation
10. Skydive and push up to 2-point plank (alternate)
11. Walk hands to plank position, walk hands to feet, jump to face opposite direction, roll down into Starfish position
12. Vertical jump to lateral jump to vertical jump
13. Plank variation - Knee to chest, knee to outside elbow, knee to inside elbow (alternate legs and repeat)