July 17, 2021

Is it better to do cardio before or after a workout?

Darryl Mills, Level 98
Darryl Mills
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Responses (3)
tlc tlc, Level 79
tlc tlc74 points
January 23, 2023

I came across this article today and remembered your question. Maybe of interest: https://www.womenshealthmag.com/fitness/a28641741/cardio-before-after-weights/

Thanked by Darryl
Margaret K, Level 81
Margaret K200 points
July 22, 2021

HI Darryl it is a good idea to do cardio after a weight training workout. If you do cardio first it uses up much of the energy for your strength training and can fatigue the muscles before your most strenuous activity.

Thanked by Darryl
tlc tlc, Level 79
tlc tlc74 points
December 4

You're absolutely not a beginner :) ... but maybe answers to your questions might be found in the following two Grokker programs - Good luck! :)
Ben Zorn 21-Day LIT Challenge https://grokker.com/fitness/low-impact/program/21-day-lit-challenge/5c51eee47455652fa4acb24b
Sarah Kusch Weight Management Jumpstart https://grokker.com/fitness/strength-training/program/weight-management-jumpstart/59276fcb3c53ad5663f899f2

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