November 25, 2021

Is it ok to do 30 minutes boosted walk or excercise twice a day? Morning 30 min and evening 30 min. Will this 1 hour / day is too. much excercise for body and hurt? or is it healthy?

Sunil Kumar Devangam, Level 11
Sunil Kumar Devangam
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Responses (1)
tlc tlc, Level 79
tlc tlc74 points
November 26, 2021

Hij - Here are guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States:
YOGA and GENTLE CARDIO (such as walking) may be done safely every day, if they make you happy.
Please start slowly and build up gradually, listening to your body and stopping when you feel any pain.
WEIGHTLIFTING ideally ought to be done on NON-CONSECUTIVE days, to give muscle fibers AT LEAST 48 HOURS to repair.
Good luck! :)

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Pace and Go, Level 12
Thanked by Sunil Kumar

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