October 1

I would enjoy watching and learning more from Jordan Awoye. His videos were very insightful. We need more of them! So, Jordan, how about it? Thank you.

Judith Dawson, Level 24
Judith Dawson
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Responses (2)
Vasanth Jeyaraj, Level 1
Vasanth Jeyaraj0 points
October 12

What does sleep mean ? Is there a state where wakefulness exist even when the body is at rest (sleep). Without this question answered our understanding of sleep is limited

Christy Aho, Level 5
Christy Aho0 points
October 4

Thumbnail image for Calm Mind For Sleep
Natasha Kerry, Level 18
Thumbnail image for Deep Sleep
Andrew Johnson, Level 6
Deep SleepAndrew Johnson
1000+ I Did This

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