August 2, 2017

How do you do vinyasas if you have a bad wrist? I have a dead bone in my left wrist, so I can't put my weight on my palm.
I've tried doing yoga on my knuckles, but that hurts.

Elise Russell, Level 8
Elise Russell
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Responses (1)
Loren Enochson, Level 9
Loren Enochson44 points
August 7, 2017

Hi Elise, I am sorry to hear your wrists are in so much pain! I am happy to help!
I have suggested a few videos that we have here on Grokker that focus on therapy for the wrists! I am hoping this will help your wrist to feel better!

I hope these videos will be helpful in healing your wrists. Let us know if you try these videos out and if you have found them to be helpful in the comments below the video or in your IDT.

If you need further assistance of any kind please reach out to us via email at


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