May 26, 2020

I suffer from carpel tunnel syndrome on my right wrist . Can anybody recommend any tutorials that are are not dominated by Down Dog? I like a workout and used to practice yoga regularly. Thank you.

maggie blundell, Level 11
maggie blundell
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Responses (3)
Robin Van Hussen, Level 10
Robin Van Hussen1 point
August 11, 2020

She's not on Grokker, but Maris Aylward has a whole series of wrist-free / hands-free practices that I've used when experiencing wrist pain. Would highly recommend.

Margaret K, Level 81
Margaret K200 points
May 28, 2020

Please find three wrist videos that may be of interest to you.
Also please find a Head to Toe Yoga program that you may enjoy -
This beginners program does have poses where you will only use your wrists in the first video -

maggie blundell, Level 11
maggie blundell0 points
August 13, 2020

Super helpful thanks

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