April 21, 2022

Hi! Does anyone recommend any meal/cooking videos that doesn't look down on less-nutritional foods/ingredients? I'm not looking to restrict my diet, I just want to balance it out more.

Madison Henry, Level 36
Madison Henry
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Responses (2)
tlc tlc, Level 79
tlc tlc74 points
April 25, 2022

Hi - My two favorite nutrition programs on Grokker are:
(a) Mediterranean Eating with Sue Mah https://grokker.com/cooking/mediterranean/program/mediterranean-eating-the-anti-inflammatory-diet/611ec672fa66bb22e8bc5142 and
(b) Fuel Your Workweek with Chris Mohr https://grokker.com/cooking/program/fuel-your-workweek/5e28c8354b5ba63fda11aa5d .
Both of these programs focus on positive inclusion rather than negative exclusion.

You might also enjoy the following three programs:
(c) Healthy and Delicious with Danielle Hayley https://grokker.com/cooking/nutrition-101/program/healthy-and-delicious-with-danielle-hayley/577d6f0ab8b2904156e86b0a
(d) Honestly Healthy with Natasha Corrett https://grokker.com/cooking/nutrition-101/program/honestly-healthy-six-day-cleanse/5501d5dbe7ad06765109d89a
(e) Quick and Healthy Meals with multiple Grokker cooks: https://grokker.com/cooking/party-and-entertaining/program/quick-and-healthy-meals/55075ef7ea93175978a3598d

tlc tlc, Level 79
tlc tlc74 points
Thanked by Madison

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