A year ago

My Husband is preparing for a bariatric surgery and I know that he is going to have to eat a low carb soft foods for a few weeks after the surgery any recipies would be appreciated.

Jessica Meredith , Level 36
Jessica Meredith
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Responses (3)
8 months ago

Being diabetic and my wife a bariatric patient, we are low carb almost entirely. Heart of Palm noodles are great way to still enjoy classic pasta dishes, plus Rao's sauces are lower on the carbs. There is low carb soft shell for tacos by Mission brand. I personally use pork rinds in place of alot of my chip options.

tlc tlc , Level 85
tlc tlc78 points
Thanked by Jessica
tlc tlc , Level 85
tlc tlc78 points
Thanked by Jessica

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