March 25, 2021

I need tone up and lose weight after having 2 kids. I'm not sure where to begin.

Daphne Moore, Level 6
Daphne Moore
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Responses (2)
Laura Flynn, Level 23
Laura Flynn0 points
April 18, 2021

Find a method of exercising you love - the rest will follow!

Thumbnail image for Latin Dance Cardio
Jaime McFaden, Level 20
Thumbnail image for HIIT Arms
Kelly Lee, Level 9
HIIT ArmsKelly Lee
1000+ I Did This
Thumbnail image for Fat Burning Walk
Ellen Barrett, Level 1
tlc tlc, Level 79
tlc tlc74 points
March 25, 2021

Congratulations! Maybe small doses of cardio, sculpting and yoga all in the same week, all in the same program, might do the trick. The "Webcam Workouts" program offers ten different ten-minute videos with six different teachers who present five different types of exercise. All of the teachers offer additional programs on Grokker. You could start with the "Webcam Workouts" program, figure out what you enjoy the most, and then follow up later with whatever further programs entice you then. Good luck!

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