June 15, 2019

What would be the best ones for after a workout for sleeping I get finished with my workout at about 10 and then would like to do a yoga class just wondering opinions?

Brooke Bledsoe, Level 4
Brooke Bledsoe
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Responses (3)
Sarah Pemberton, Level 40
Sarah Pemberton1 point
December 1, 2019

I would suggest a slow, gentle yoga practice before bed. Raising your heartrate or breaking a sweat is likely to wake you up.

Sweet Demise, Level 73
Sweet Demise30 points
June 26, 2019

Hi Brooke Bledsoe - Although the videos attached are not particularly yoga, they definitely help calm the mind and relax the body. I absolutely love them!

Sami Oliva, Level 50
Sami Oliva15 points
June 17, 2019

Grokker expert Celest Pereira has a great yoga series for this called "Evening Yoga with Celest". Another great series is "Yoga for Stress Reduction". I hope this helps!

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