3 years ago

Best low calories snacks

Allan Rodas , Level 6
Allan Rodas
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Responses (9)
Jim Powell , Level 47
Jim Powell9 points
3 years ago

For me, it's fruit. Eat about a fist-size serving for 80-120 calories in most cases... Don't buy into the hype that fruit contains sugar and therefore bad... You are way better off eating fruit than most other snacks. Plus, it's a more sustainable plan for a long-term healthy lifestyle... It's easy to buy and keep around (for most), it requires no prep time, and you can take it with you if you're on the move. Get your body and mind used to grabbing fruit when you need something in between meals, and you'll end up avoiding a lot of other very unhealthy snacks.

Kaila Ganzon , Level 19
Kaila Ganzon3 points
2 years ago

For me, I really love having either the babybel or laughing cow cheese. They tend to be really filling and I often pair them with crackers and fruit, making a really good balance. I have also recently discovered making popcorn with nutritional yeast gives a good protein boost!

tlc tlc , Level 84
tlc tlc78 points
tlc tlc , Level 84
tlc tlc78 points
Julia Wilkinson , Level 2
Julia Wilkinson0 points
2 years ago

one of my favorite snacks is a bag of mixed frozen veggies (I get the steamer bags) add some chedder cheese and everything bagel seasoning to the cooked veggies. It's super filling and very healthy alternative to junk food snacking!

tlc tlc , Level 84
tlc tlc78 points
tlc tlc , Level 84
tlc tlc78 points
tlc tlc , Level 84
tlc tlc78 points
tlc tlc , Level 84
tlc tlc78 points

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