November 1, 2019

Looking for specific stretches for knee, ankle, toes please. Where can I find those exactly? Any specific to pay close attention to?

Danielle Trosclair williams, Level 48
Danielle Trosclair williams
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Responses (2)
Margaret K, Level 81
Margaret K200 points
November 5, 2019

I have attached Feet Health and Knee Health Therapeutics and Yin Yoga for Wrists and Feet. There are 3 videos in the Feet Health and Knee Health Therapeutics series. If you search knee, ankle and toes in the search bar and it will bring up all videos associated we have on our website. I hope you enjoy these videos that I have recommended.

Thanked by Danielle
Sarah Pemberton, Level 40
Sarah Pemberton1 point
December 1, 2019

The yoga for skateboarders video has a bunch of foot stretching. The second video and third video both have a bunch of joint mobility exercises.

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