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Debone Turkey, Chicken, & Duck in 15 Minutes!

Doc Ward , Level 7
Doc Ward
Take your culinary skills up a notch and save money by learning how to debone a turkey in this Grokker Premium video. Once you've learned to debone a turkey you will have the basic skills to debone just about any poultry bird, including chicken and duck. There are many great recipes for stuffed boneless birds, including the Thanksgiving classic - the Turducken. Watch as Chef Doc Ward takes you through a step by step demonstration of how to debone a turkey in less than fifteen minutes. Watch all of the other great Grokker Premium Thanksgiving videos and let us know what you think.

Cooking Recipe

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Make Sure You Have:
Boning knife
Chefs Knife
Paper Towel
Baking sheet

1. Empty out the cavity by removing the neck and giblets from the cavity. Reserve the neck and giblets for soup or stock or discard.

2. Pat dry the poultry with paper towels.

3. Dislocate and cut off both wing tips with a Chef's knife or cleaver.

4. Flip the poultry over onto the breast. Locate the spine following the ribcage and around the wishbone, separating the meat from the ribs down to the thigh joint. Using the tip of the boning knife, carve down the right side of the turkey ribcage, separating flesh from bone. Be careful not to cut through or pierce the skin connecting the two breast halves.

5. Pull out the thigh bone. Take the meat off the leg bone by cutting lengthwise and separating the meat from around the bone. Cut off the cartilage separating the bone from the poultry. Keep working your way down the rib cage until the whole rib is exposed.

6. Run your knife lengthwise through the wing. Cut off smaller wing tips by dislocating and cutting with a Chef's knife or cleaver. With a boning knife separate the meat from the bone. Cut the cartilage off the wing bone.

7. Remove all connective tissue around the wing and leg.

Also Check Out:

Debone Poultry in a Flash
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Suzie R.
I just wanted to say thank you for your site. I discovered it via Anna Olson, my baking mentor. Finding high quality cooking videos that really teach you about food and techniques is such a challenge and yours are amazing. I can't wait to do some recipe testing and love that it is so easy to email yourself the recipes!
Suzie R.
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