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Fresh Clams with Pancetta, White Wine, and Tarragon

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Josh Posner , Level 1
Josh Posner
Pancetta, clams, and tarragon simmer together in a white wine sauce to create this perfect winter dish. Follow Chef Josh Posner as he shops for fresh pancetta and produce at his local London market and then shares his recipe in this Grokker Premium video, part of his Seasonal Nosh series.

Cooking Recipe

Serves: 2

3 & 1/2 oz (100g) of dry cured pancetta
1 tbsp (20ml) of vegetable oil
1 small stick of celery, finely sliced
2/3 pound (11 oz) (300g) of fresh clams (grit removed and rinsed in cold water, €discard any clams that remain open when you tap them)
1/2 cup (100ml) of white wine
Small bunch (10g) of fresh tarragon
Small bunch (10g) of fresh flat-leafed parsley
A loaf of crusty bread for dipping in the sauce (optional)

1. Take your pancetta and if it has a rind remove this before dicing it into small, bite-size pieces. Place a pan on a medium high flame, add the pancetta and a tablespoon of vegetable oil to render out the fat.

2. After 2 minutes add the celery and turn the heat down to a medium flame. Sweat the celery until translucent, stirring often to make sure that the pancetta does n€to brown.

3. When the celery is softened, throw in the clams and add the white wine €immediately place the lid on. This will ensure that the clams steam in the white wine and pancetta sauce, developing the flavor and cooking the clams until they are perfectly tender.

4. As the clams cook, finely slice the tarragon and parsley. As soon as all the clams have opened up, toss in most of the tarragon and parsley. Immediately serve in deep bowls and garnish with more of the herbs and celery leaves. Tuck in with good hunk of crusty bread. Enjoy!

Fresh Clams with Pancetta


Suzie R.
I just wanted to say thank you for your site. I discovered it via Anna Olson, my baking mentor. Finding high quality cooking videos that really teach you about food and techniques is such a challenge and yours are amazing. I can't wait to do some recipe testing and love that it is so easy to email yourself the recipes!
Suzie R.
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