March 7, 2021

how can i be more productive thoughout the day even though i have a pretty stressful schedule?

Chrissy Touchtidou, Level 4
Chrissy Touchtidou
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Responses (3)
Katie Smith, Level 26
Katie Smith5 points
April 28, 2021

I loved Mindset for Greatness. I'm currently working on Success & Performance.
The video I did tonight was on time management. I hope you find it helpful.
Also, Kara Mohr has a Healthy at Home program that's really helpful.

Thumbnail image for Time Management
Alister Gray, Level 4
Thumbnail image for Create a Schedule
Kara Mohr, Level 64
tlc tlc, Level 79
tlc tlc74 points
tlc tlc, Level 79
tlc tlc74 points

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