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Irish Chai Whiskey Cocktail

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H. Joseph Ehrmann , Level 6
H. Joseph Ehrmann
A unique spin on a classic Irish coffee! Instead of using coffee, this cocktail is made with chai tea latte, which highlights the honey and barrel-aged notes of the Irish whisky. Accompanied with hot milk and cinnamon, this tasty adult beverage is great for winter holidays. Proprietor of Elixir Saloon in San Francisco, H. Joseph Ehrmann shares his one of a kind Irish chai in this Grokker Premium video that won't disappoint on a chilly winter evening.

Cooking Recipe

Serves: 1

Irish Chai:
2 oz chai tea concentrate
5 oz frothed milk
1½ oz Irish whiskey
½ oz simple syrup
1 cinnamon stick

Simple Syrup:
½ cup of sugar
4 oz room temperature water

Simple Syrup
1. Combine equal parts (1:1) sugar and water in a bottle and shake it until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Irish Chai:
1. To make chai tea concentrate, use 2 bags of chai tea and 8 oz of hot water and let steep for five minutes.

2. Froth 5 oz of milk. You can use an espresso machine frothing wand, a portable frother, or simply microwave the milk for about 90 seconds (until you see steam rise) and using a whisker spin between your hands to froth.

3. In a mug, add 2 oz of the chai tea, 1½ oz whiskey and ½ oz simple syrup. Stir and top with the hot milk and freshly grated cinnamon.


Also check out:

Irish Chai


Suzie R.
I just wanted to say thank you for your site. I discovered it via Anna Olson, my baking mentor. Finding high quality cooking videos that really teach you about food and techniques is such a challenge and yours are amazing. I can't wait to do some recipe testing and love that it is so easy to email yourself the recipes!
Suzie R.
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