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Miso Black Cod

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Reiko Hashimoto , Level 1
Reiko Hashimoto
Now you can make this showpiece dish at home. Miso marinated black cod is served in many upmarket Japanese restaurants. Follow Culinary Instructor Reiko Hashimoto's simple steps to prepare the classic marinade and cook your fish flawlessly in this Grokker Premium video. The sweet and rich flavors of the miso paste are the perfect complement to this beautifully light and elegant fish. Grilled in minutes, then plated with Japanese pickles, this dish is bound to impress.

Cooking Recipe

Serves: 4

4 black cod fillets, about 150g, 5.3 oz. each
2 tsp salt
4 sticks of Hajikami (dark pink colored ginger stick), or red pickled ginger

Miso marinade:
1 tbsp sake
2 tbsp mirin
6 tbsp miso paste
3 tbsp sugar

1. Pat cod fillets thoroughly dry with kitchen paper.

2. Mix all the miso marinade ingredients. You may mix the different colored miso as you wish. The sweet miso is commonly used for this dish in Japan.

3. Sprinkle the salt very lightly onto each piece of black cod. Leave them for 10 minutes, and then pat dry with kitchen towel. Place your fish in the marinade and leave to marinate for two full days in the fridge. Make sure the fish is completely covered with the marinade.

4. Pre-heat the oven to a medium-high broil setting

5. Take a roasting pan and line with aluminum foil then top with a grilling rack. This will allow you to grill your fish and catch the marinade dripping in the pan so it does not make a mess of your oven or begin to burn.

6. Wipe off excess marinade completely from the fish using your fingers or with a kitchen towel otherwise your marinade will burn straight away. Before placing the fish on the rack, brush your grill rack with oil to stop the fish from sticking when turning over. Place the fish skin side down first on the grill rack. Grill for 3 minutes, then turn fish over to second side taking care not to break the fish as the cod is very flaky and fragile. Grill for further 3-4 minutes or until the surface gets golden color on the edge and the skin becomes crispy.

Serve with steamed rice, Hajikami ginger sticks or red pickled ginger to add color and texture. If you like, pair with Wakame salad (see

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Miso Black Cod


Suzie R.
I just wanted to say thank you for your site. I discovered it via Anna Olson, my baking mentor. Finding high quality cooking videos that really teach you about food and techniques is such a challenge and yours are amazing. I can't wait to do some recipe testing and love that it is so easy to email yourself the recipes!
Suzie R.
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