How to Cook Eggs: Poached and Fried Sunnyside Up
Fill a medium pot with water and add a dash of vinegar and a pinch of salt. Bring the water to a boil and then turn down to a simmer. The ideal temperature for poaching eggs is around 180-190°F. You can check the water with a thermometer if you like or you can tell that it is the right temperature when there are small bubbles under the surface of the water.
Crack an egg into a small bowl. Stir the water to create a whirlpool and gently tip the egg into the center. Cook the egg for 3-4 minutes to allow the whites to set and the center to remain runny. Remove from the pot with a slotted spoon and serve.
Frying Sunnyside Up and Over Easy:
Heat a nonstick skillet over medium low heat. Add whatever fat you would like to the pan; butter, olive oil, vegetable oil or bacon grease, for example. Crack the egg into the pan and season with salt. When the white has completely set up, approximately 45 seconds to 1 minute, the egg is done. If you would like a crispy edge on the egg, start the pan over medium heat and continue in the same manner.
For an egg cooked over easy, follow the same procedure, but when the egg white has set halfway, about 30-45 seconds, flip the egg and cook another 30-45 seconds.