October 12, 2021

Any suggestions for videos to help with anxiety?????

Marquez Marquez, Level 10
Marquez Marquez
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Responses (4)
Beth Porn, Level 4
Beth Porn1 point
February 3, 2022

I find that virtual programs like this cause more anexiety and stress for people. I find that unplugging and getting into nature is 10000000 times better for mental health then virtual apps/programs. I wish REAL mental health and physical health was affordable and more accessible.

Chris Cox, Level 47
Chris Cox1 point
October 30, 2021

Margaret K, Level 81
Margaret K200 points
October 13, 2021

Please find three videos that I hope you will find helpful. You may also want to take some time to complete this program with Stacy Conlon. Take care.

tlc tlc, Level 79
tlc tlc74 points

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