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Create Success Through Habits

Alister Gray , Level 4
Alister Gray
Success usually does not happen overnight. Most often it is the daily habits we have in place that lead us closer towards our goals or further away. In this session, Alister will lead you through a short meditation followed by some self-reflective writing. You will imagine your ideal workday and the healthy habits that will allow you to accomplish more each day.


To begin this exercise, find a quiet space and have a pen and a piece of paper nearby.

Self Refection Questions

What time do you wake at?

How do you feel when you wake?

What rituals and habits make up your morning routine?

Do you take time to exercise?

Do you practice meditation?

Do you prepare a nutritional breakfast and spend time with your family and loved ones?

How do you feel?

Are you energised, alive and awake?

What impact does this have on your day?

How does your mood impact your day?

What affect does your energy and spirit have on those around you?

How do you respond when faced with challenges?

What habits are serving you well?

How do you feel upon completing these habits?

Create Success Through Habits
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